Soil Testing
Materials Consultants has extensive knowledge and experience in the testing of the materials used in the civil construction industry. We are committed to providing an efficient, reliable and accurate test results.
Materials Consultants can provide NATA accredited testing to Main Roads W.A and/or Australian Standards including:
- Sampling, Site Selection and Sample Preparation
- Classification Testing
- Particle Size Distribution
- Plasticity Index
- Linear Shrinkage
- Plastic Limit
- Description, Identification and Classification of Soils
- Bearing Strength (CBR)
- Strength Tests (e.g. MDCS)
- Compaction Tests
- Field Density Tests
- Strength and Penetration Tests
- Permeability
For a detailed list of the tests we are accredited to perform please refer to our “Scope of Accreditation” can be viewed on the NATA website.